Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Miss California

Miss California; the right's new Sarah Palin. She's younger, she's hotter, she says all the right things and she is now a victim of the gay, liberal, media. She also thinks that homosexuals have a 'choice' to marry in this country (she probably meant that they have a 'choice' to be gay, but the question was about marriage) which is odd because she comes from CA, a state that just voted to amend the constitution to deny homosexuals just that. Opposite marriage is better because, in the famous words of Paula Abdul, Opposites Attract.

My take: Back off Perez. You hurt your case by calling someone a bigot for their opinion, especially when probably 60% of the audience agrees. The 'storm' they fear is apparently one of harsh words and condemnation for deep, often religiously held, beliefs.

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