Thursday, April 9, 2009


So this story came out today about cyberspies hacking into the electrical grid. Of course, the horror is that they could use it as a terror tactic against us, which would actually be quite horrible considering what smaller blackouts have led to.

What's interesting is that when reading some of the comments on other sites I saw a few similar ideas regarding scare tactics and comparing this to the WMDs threat prior to the start of the Iraq war. Other ideas didn't necessarily point to smoking guns but did state that this would not have leaked without an agenda. Good point.

All still conspiracy type theories but interesting none the less. I like the agenda idea but wonder if perhaps it's less be afraid so you'll be distracted and we can go to war based on a false threat or, be afraid because our entire infrastructure is actually pretty out-dated and vulnerable and even though you might not support this kind of spending on a normal occasion, this is actually a serious threat HERE at home, on our soil. And oh, by the way, that is one of our agenda, you know, update our infrstructure to help make us more secure.

Just a thought. Perhaps not all 'agendas' turn out to be bad things.

UPDATE: It's come true...sort of.

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