Saturday, April 4, 2009

The damn media is always to blame.

Do people really think that the media is more powerful than their own minds? I understand that our education system is failing but I also accept responsibility that even if the system is flawed, it's ultimately our own decision to take it, leave it, or change it. I am amazed at how often I read, from both sides, the media is to blame. Yes, the media gives platforms to opinions and yes opinions seem to trump truths these days, but why? Could it be our American Idol culture has created an environment in which even the 'news' has to be dolled up in order to be watched? Or have we become so intellectually lazy that hearing news presented in a way that does not agree with our own opinion annoys and infuriates us into thinking that the other side isn't being properly represented? One side revolts against the idea of requiring fairness on the radio, why? Because it would be unfair, adding the opposing view would somehow force the current views to shut up? Really? In protecting our own opinions we keep trying to silence opposing opinions simply because we think they're wrong or misleading. But THAT IS FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Does it annoy the hell out of me that crazy, partisan, idiots that appear to know nothing about what they are talking about other than what their viewers want to hear are allowed to have prime airtime? Yes, but if we were to shut them up we would be violating one of the most important rights we have in this country, free speech. Just as it is terrifying to realize that guns are absolutely horrible and seem to somehow end up in the hands of crazies far more than they should, but if we were to take them away we would again be infringing upon a vital freedom in this country.

So what is the solution and why can't we respect our freedoms instead of constantly abusing them? Education. But education faces the same damned, idiotic, fury that everything else faces these days. Liberals have taken over our institutions! No, creationists are trying to force their views! No, recess is unfair and promotes hurt feelings! Dammit, shut the hell up and focus people! FOCUS FOR ONE FUCKING SECOND ON WHAT'S REALLY IMPORTANT.

We, the adults, have to realize that we do not know everything. No one ever has. The wisest humans in history have not only accepted but embraced that fact. They have understood that "knowing is knowing that you know nothing". While 'nothing' is a bit strong we cannot be frozen in our current state of knowledge and that is what this country has let itself do, become frozen in the tar pits of twentieth century knowledge. MOVE ON.

We are furious that we are in the current state we are in and we want to look back and blame. Of course those to blame then become wrong in EVERYTHING versus just those things that didn't turn out. Capitalism is evil because corporations have become so powerful they are now 'too big to fail'. Let em' die, but don't kill capitalism along with them. Socialism is evil because Russia ended up with bread lines and everyone was poor. Cancel the 'equality of wealth' but don't dismiss the concept of setting up safety nets for when those capitalist companies need to fail.

Education does not fail because of what they try to teach us, facts change, right and wrong shifts. Education is fluid. Education fails when we forget that the point is to teach people how to learn. Education teaches us how to raise our hands, ask questions, take in new information and make an edit, know our sources, debate without hate and most of all, enjoy the intellectual quest. Education succeeds when students come out intellectually curious, with the ability to change their minds and are dedicated to the quest. Education fails when students graduate and think the quest is over.

The media only holds power when education fails. Education fails when it focuses on the subject matter and not the process. Look at it this way; learning to swim is not about learning the backstroke, it's about learning how not to drown.

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