Friday, April 10, 2009

It's like some crazy code for sexual deviance!

There are two big right-wing frenzies going on right now;

1. Tea bagging (see post below)


2. 2M4M

Well, 2M4M apparently stands for "Two million for marriage" a movement against gay marriage (because the thought of two people committing themselves in a loving relationship is HORRIBLE!). The funny part is that according to the urban dictionary, M4M stands for, wait for it..."men seeking men"! hahahaha.

Reject pop culture long enough and you just look like you live in some sort of strange, angry, bubble that has no relevance to or idea what the outside world is doing!

Of course, constantly making fun of them will only piss them off more and the fact that they don't know these terms kind of works in favor of their "moral" message. It doesn't however, excuse their apparent lack of the foresight or ability to use the "Google" prior to branding their movements.

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