Friday, October 31, 2008

Rashid Khalidi

Back in my college days I was assigned to write a paper after 9/11 investigating the cause. While others focused on American freedoms being hated by the 'evil doers' my paper focused on the history of western influence in the middle east. To me it was much more important to understand why they hate us than just the mere fact that hate exists. Well my conclusion was basically that while some intentions are/were good and just, often the outcomes were not. I traced the real problem back to the British white papers and the start of establishing an Israeli state (and what should have been the start of establishing a Palestinian state as well). The promise to one people that would displace another group of people.

Well, now the latest attack against Obama is his tie to Rashid Khalidi. I do not know much about Khalidi but I did just read this article he wrote regarding the Palestinian plight. From this article I do not see him as radical or anti-semetic. I think America has lost it's way with the divisive demonizing of the "other".

I recognize that it is human to want to identify your enemies, but I think that a focus on understanding our enemies would serve a much greater purpose and lead to much more favorable results.

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