Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Against which America?

The idea of someone being "against America" seems to be a hot topic in all campaigns. I have to ask though, which America? During these last few weeks (and really, these last eight years) it has been painfully clear how partisan America has become. This concept of us versus them isn't new but it sure has gained momentum lately. So, the question is a fair one. When you say someone is against "America" which one are you talking about?

For me, the easiest way to answer that is to define what America I am for. I am for an America that believes in equality and opportunity for all. I am for an America that takes care of it's poor, it's elderly, it's sick and it's children. I believe in an America where everyone pays their fair share of taxes. I believe in an America that puts education first. I believe in an America that supports individual entrepreneurs more than corporate entities. I believe in an America that strives to push the limits of science and technology. I believe in an America that promotes free markets but understands that civilization is based upon basic laws and regulations. I believe in an America that honors it's laws, treaties and international alliances. I believe in an America that supports community organizers and others that work for the benefit of others. I believe in an America that holds itself accountable for it's actions. I believe in an America free of racial and social divides. I believe in an America that promotes hope and possibilities.

I am against an America that pushes the poor aside. I am against an America that protects corporate interests before individual rights. I am against an America that supports one belief but not another. I am against an America that fights political wars. I am against an America that would deny a child health care. I am against an America that violates an individuals right to privacy. I am against an America that protects one person against torture but not another. I am against an America that promotes fear and hopelessness. I am against an America that belittles education. I am against an America that does not tolerate those that are different. I am against an America that does not see all people as created equal. I am against an America that believes every man for themselves. I am against an America that does caters to the lowest common denominator without pushing itself to be better.

With that said, when someone goes 'against America' perhaps they are just going against one failing portion of America. Perhaps they are speaking out the same way a parent reprimands their child. Not because they do not believe in them, but because they know they can be better. In my opinion it is far more un-patriotic to never question or go against America than to blindly follow and believe America is not without it's flaws.

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