Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Misquote me once, misquote me twice...I'll call you out!

For awhile, critical thinking, was what I felt was one of the main causes of the crazy statements and mis-information being tossed around the "newshole" (my other new favorite word). I have a new word of the day. Comprehend. I now realize that many people do not even understand the concepts, policies and talking points they try to think critically about. Not that I am some genius that really gets it all, but damn if there is some major lack of comprehension of basic (and complicated) ideas going on.

Main Entry: com·pre·hend
Pronunciation: \ˌkäm-pri-ˈhend, -prē-\
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French comprendre, comprehendre, from Latin comprehendere, from com- + prehendere to grasp — more at get
Date: 14th century
1 : to grasp the nature, significance, or meaning of
2 : to contain or hold within a total scope, significance, or amount [philosophy's scope comprehends the truth of everything which man may understand — H. O. Taylor]
3 : to include by construction or implication

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