Friday, November 14, 2008


This is a direct copy from Andrew Sullivan:

I've been a little taken aback by the news that gun sales have rocketed in red states since Obama was elected. Watching O'Reilly and reading Drudge lately has also been a bit of a revelation. A reader sums it up:

I can't tell whether the lack of serious attention given to the continued hysteria about our President-Elect still emerging from various corners of the Right is a good thing or bad thing. By hysteria I mean things like Congressman Jim Broun from Georgia equating Obama with Hitler and then his lame excuse of an apology. I also mean Sarah Palin using her 15 minutes to slime our President-Elect with Bill Ayers one more time, wink wink, and the 24/7 vitriol from demagogues like Hannity and priests who refuse to give Obama voters communion.

It's why as a 27-year-old voter, the Republican party has been off the table for me since I could vote in the 2000 election. No matter how much I like or identify with any of "conservative" ideas, I refuse to stand in any tent, now matter how big, with people like Sarah Palin, Jim Broun, and Sean Hannity.

And for all of those "non-kook" conservatives out there scratching their heads about why the country polls "center-right" but voted so strongly for Obama, there is your answer, especially in my generation.

Whether my generation becomes life-long Democrats because of President-Elect Obama remains to be seen. We have no undying loyalty to the Pelosis, Harry Reid's, and the baby boomers of the left (we know their faults as well). But we will be able to forgive them if they come up short in trying to get us a renewable energy plan, affordable healthcare, and a government that is as technically savvy as its population.

The questions is, how the hell could we ever forgive the Republicans for coming up short on all of that because they were too busy trying to make a boogeyman out of an honest President?

There you go GOP, there is the answer to how to "re-brand" your party. Quit with the hysterics, get back to reality and start being "conservative" again. Extreme is off putting on both sides of the spectrum.

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