Friday, September 5, 2008

Why don't people care?

I admit I never cared about politics when I was younger. But then I saw this guy on TV and he seemed like a bit of an idiot but he just won an election, albeit a fishy win. So, I started to read. Wow, the power of a little research. After reading about George W. Bush and being absolutely baffled as to how he became our president with his record of failure (which he has gone on to continue with consistency and pride), I was blown away at how it seemed Americans just didn't pay attention.

I'm still blown away but I'm not as surprised anymore. I am sad.

I have had so many conversations lately with people saying things like; "I am so sick of it all I stopped paying attention" or "I can't read any of it because it's all biased" or "I don't need to know anything other than I like him/her".

Yes, we are all a little sick of it all but sometimes I get sick of making meals for my kids too, should I just stop? It matters, get over it and pay attention.

Yes, there is a lot of bias out there. What's worse; developing a bias based on information learned or closing your mind completely? Let's define "bias" - an unfair preference for or dislike of something. So, I think the real issue is the difference between bias and opinion and the difference is in the word "unfair". Is it unfair to not like Sarah Palin because she has a pregnant teenage daughter? Yes. Is it unfair to dislike Sarah Palin because she is shouting about how she "said no thanks to a bridge to nowhere" when in fact she campaigned for the bridge, received federal funds, then changed her mind and kept the money. No. There is a difference and to hide behind the "bias" argument when you don't know what the difference is is ignorant.

Yes, we should like our candidates. We should like the person we want to run our country but why we like them matters. There is a difference between liking someone you want to be friends with and liking someone you want to lead your country. I can't even fathom voting for someone simply because they "look nice" without having any idea what they stand for, what experience they've had and what kind of character they may have.

I hate these responses because they are clear excuses for not being informed and personally if you are not going to inform yourself please don't vote.

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