Monday, August 10, 2009

Free market vs. free market

The free market is a wonderful thing that has brought prosperity to this nation and it works, most of the time. But sometimes it doesn't. There are some things in life that should not be driven by profit. Education, disaster relief, law enforcement, politics, communication and HEALTHCARE. Now, that's not to say that those involved shouldn't be allowed to profit, and might I say that those involved offer the most value to society and therefore should be heavily rewarded. However, the field itself cannot be driven by profit, it must be driven by it's necessity in an orderly, safe and free society.

That is why capitalism at it's core cannot lead all things. I often argue that the best solution never consists of one thing. Capitalism, education, government, individual responsibility--these are all building blocks to a strong society but none are a single solution. It seems as though an intelligent person should be able to understand and I fully believe that if we can put fear, anger and prejudice aside we can all come to the table and figure this out. Is too idealistic of me?

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