Monday, August 10, 2009

The Opposition in Action:

"Gladney told reporters he was recently laid off and has no health insurance."

"Keep the Government out of my Medicaid!"

Free market vs. free market

The free market is a wonderful thing that has brought prosperity to this nation and it works, most of the time. But sometimes it doesn't. There are some things in life that should not be driven by profit. Education, disaster relief, law enforcement, politics, communication and HEALTHCARE. Now, that's not to say that those involved shouldn't be allowed to profit, and might I say that those involved offer the most value to society and therefore should be heavily rewarded. However, the field itself cannot be driven by profit, it must be driven by it's necessity in an orderly, safe and free society.

That is why capitalism at it's core cannot lead all things. I often argue that the best solution never consists of one thing. Capitalism, education, government, individual responsibility--these are all building blocks to a strong society but none are a single solution. It seems as though an intelligent person should be able to understand and I fully believe that if we can put fear, anger and prejudice aside we can all come to the table and figure this out. Is too idealistic of me?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

"Fact Free Politics"

That is basically what the "Obama Death Panel" nonsense is, FACT FREE, FACT FREE, FACT FREE, FACT FREE. It has become unconscionable, unintelligent, unproductive and just plain despicable. The health care debate is a serious debate effecting EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN. This is not a game, this is people's lives and it requires serious debate from all opinions. I am so beyond sick of these idiots shouting "loud noises" simply because they don't like that Obama won the election. Simply because they are no longer in power to tell us how to live our lives, who to love, what God to worship and why immigration is bad. I have tried to listen to their "arguments" but they no longer have arguments, they now only have hateful, fearful, rhetoric designed to scare those that have no interest in learning for themselves. No interest in thinking for themselves. There is only black and white and there is only good and evil. They have constantly been fooled by corrupt politicians, religious leaders and businessmen. They no longer trust anyone. They no longer believe in compassion. They are huddled in their corner, shaking and praying for the apocalypse so all that they do not understand will go away and they can live in their mindless bubble once more.

Well it's not going to happen. We all share this Earth. We are all human beings and MOST OF US just want to live happy, free lives. Yes government is not the answer to all our problems. Neither is the church. Neither is education. Neither is capitalism. BUT ALL THOSE THINGS bring value to society. All those things, if you care to participate, can contribute to bringing about a better life for everyone. We do not live alone here, we share the same air, we drive on the same socialist roads.

"Keep the government out of my Medicare!". Obamas death panel will decide whether or not old people and disabled people are worthy of treatment? Are you fucking kidding me?! Do these people even listen to their own rhetoric? Do they ever evaluate the statements they are making? No. They do not because it's not about the arguments, it's about the fear. The fear of society passing them by because they refuse to change.

I understand not wanting to change a life you are comfortable with but the truth is that other than the new found anger in their lives, nothing has changed. Their churches are still open, their guns are still legal and they are still straight. The United States still exists and the constitution is still intact.

I know part of their anger is fueled by people like me telling them they're stupid so I have tried to avoid that until now but seriously, Obama death panels?

Maddow seems pretty pissed too.

Added: Frank Schaffer is angrey too

And Keith Olbermann:

Monday, August 3, 2009

Healthcare rant...

As much as we want to dismiss Olberman for his overly dramatic soapbox rants, when you listen to what he actually says you just can't. You just can't ignore the facts he presents, even if in a bias manner. It's worth watching.