Friday, July 3, 2009

RIP Sarah Palin

Retire in Peace.

She doesn't want to be lame duck.

She thinks sitting around is for quitters so instead, she will quit.

She thinks there should be more downs syndrome babies in the world and her family was hurt to see Trig's iconic photo desecrated.

She won't be one of those governors that end their term traveling around on expensive trade missions (she just got back from Kosovo and Germany).

She is upset that those damn political operatives have bastardized her ethics reform by using them against her, wasting MILLIONS (or hundreds of thousands) of tax payer dollars (mainly investigating the Troopergate complaint she lodged against herself).

She keeps getting caught lying by those liars in the liberal media.

She can't seem to share those emails people nagging her about (emails she didn't release have shown possible reasons) and hopes for justice against that damn teenager that tried to get them (illegally) for FREE!

Oh and she's running out of people to fire for disagreeing with her.

I have this strange feeling that this is about to get even stranger...

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