Thursday, February 12, 2009

Too little too late?

I personally agree with the idea of a stimulus bill. Spending is okay with me, if it's on the right things and since we've spent our way into a massive debt on the WRONG things these last eight years, there are a lot of good causes waiting for some attention. But there is an argument that it's too late and we'll recover on our own...

And after this image came out yesterday, these headlines showed up this morning:

U.S. Economy: Retail Sales Unexpectedly Halt Six-Month Slide

New jobless claims drop slightly to 623,000

Of course, there was also this headline:

Home Prices in U.S. Slid 12% in Fourth Quarter, Most on Record

My take. Well, it's great that we are not continuing the downward death spiral that was our employment rate and it's great that people are slowly starting to spend again but stocks are still super low, there are still an enourmous number of people without jobs and even if it is now leveling out we are not in a prosperous state.

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