Saturday, December 27, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

After you read the article below, read this one...

Not an article but another great opinion piece by Thomas Friedman.

Happy Christmas Eve!!


This is a great article from Mother Jones. Read it and then think about the burst of the housing bubble. How much worse will the burst of the carbon bubble be? One effected our bank accounts, the other may just effect our ability to live.

"Now that we know how far we are past the carbon tipping point, it's time to freak out—and get to work."

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

"They can build a new coal factory..."

"...but they'll prbably go bankrupt"

Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas tax payers!

As I spend my last dime on Christmas presents, I can't help but lose a little holiday cheer thinking about this.

"Banks that are getting taxpayer bailouts awarded their top executives nearly $1.6 billion in salaries, bonuses, and other benefits in the calendar year 2007, an Associated Press analysis reveals."


Friday, December 19, 2008


While I totally get the "unify the electorate" argument, I must say that I think it's a bit of a slap in the face to not only gays but everyone that fought against Prop.8 or even just felt saddened by Prop.8 to choose someone that played an active role in supporting it. I'm no expert on evangical leaders but I'm guessing there are plenty of other choices that may not be quite as close to something so recently controversial. The thing is is that arguing that this guy let Obama speak in his church and that we should be able to "disagree without being disagreable" is great. But the truth is that this man actually worked against the very foundation of that argument by promoting legislation that would not only negate any intelligent discussion but actually outlaw that very discussion. The literal purpose of Prop 8 was to end any discussion or disagreement in legal terms so in supporting it Warren obviously is not one to promote the argument Obama has given for choosing him.

In addition the pure political nature of the pick leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Oh well, at the end of the day it's not that big of a deal but I do feel like "the gays" have been slapped around enough lately.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Quote of the day...

Andrew Sullivan:

"Evil is usually done by people who believe they are doing good."