Friday, February 10, 2012

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A whole year of news and I've had nothing to say...

Well, I've had a lot to say but I was also drowning in work. I'm still barely recovered from that but, damn! How about the news lately!?

Shootings, cross-hairs, earthquakes, floods, mudslides, mass animal deaths, offensive Golden Globe speeches, DADT repeal...and EGYPT!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Why you should not take a literal translation...

...of the bible.

I have always been against taking a literal position on the bible because, well, if you know history you know it's been translated a billion times and with each translation the translator may or may not take some "liberties". Well here is a perfect example of that.

Conservative Bible Project.

Is it really a good idea to cling to the words of humans when your intent is to cling to the words of God? In other words, by committing yourself to God you must also commit yourself to education and interpretation based on what you know, not what others would have you believe. If God is within you, listen to him. Not them.

Friday, September 18, 2009

After healthcare can we focus on education?

Do I laugh, cry, scream? I'm just not sure what to say...

Here's the thing, these people all seem like nice people. They are confused, they've been loyal to a party that has repeatedly lied to them and taken advantage of that loyalty. They have been tricked into thinking that politics and their religious beliefs go hand in hand. They now have no idea who to trust, they have no idea what is the truth and what is a lie because they've been on a path that requires any truth to be confirmed by the bible and if it can't be they dismiss it. They have so many holes in what would be their logical thought patterns that they just don't know what to think anymore. So they turn to Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin to help them know, to help them understand...and what they hear is SCARY. Death panels, commu-facis-socialism. The horror! They have gotten so caught up that they don't seem to realize they are totally wrong. The look on their faces when they are told the truth about Czars, the complete lack of any sort of follow up thoughts to standard talking points they have been taught to spew, the total lack of understanding or desire to understand what is actually happening in this country. It's frightening and it's sad.

75 Percent of Oklahoma High School Students Can't Name the First President of the U.S.

14% of New Jersey Republicans think Obama is the anti-christ

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Opposition in Action:

"Gladney told reporters he was recently laid off and has no health insurance."

"Keep the Government out of my Medicaid!"

Free market vs. free market

The free market is a wonderful thing that has brought prosperity to this nation and it works, most of the time. But sometimes it doesn't. There are some things in life that should not be driven by profit. Education, disaster relief, law enforcement, politics, communication and HEALTHCARE. Now, that's not to say that those involved shouldn't be allowed to profit, and might I say that those involved offer the most value to society and therefore should be heavily rewarded. However, the field itself cannot be driven by profit, it must be driven by it's necessity in an orderly, safe and free society.

That is why capitalism at it's core cannot lead all things. I often argue that the best solution never consists of one thing. Capitalism, education, government, individual responsibility--these are all building blocks to a strong society but none are a single solution. It seems as though an intelligent person should be able to understand and I fully believe that if we can put fear, anger and prejudice aside we can all come to the table and figure this out. Is too idealistic of me?